Seeds Master Singapore - PR41 Sage (130 Seeds) Herbs
Seeds Master Singapore - PR41 Sage (130 Seeds) Herbs
Seeds Master Singapore - PR41 Sage (130 Seeds) Herbs
Seeds Master Singapore - PR41 Sage (130 Seeds) Herbs

Herbs- PR41 Sage (130 Seeds)


Herbs Seed by The Seeds Master

PR41 Sage (130 Seeds)

Seeds Master Singapore - PR41 Sage (130 Seeds) Herbs

Biennial, herbal, decorative plants reaching 40-120cm (15-47in) tall, adding a beautiful touch to each garden and yard. Besides its attractive look and beautiful fragrance, it makes a great addition to salads, desserts, teas, while the concoctions are used in treating skin diseases. Due to its high fragrance, used in cosmetics, perfumes, and soaps as an aromatic additive. Forming a basal rosette of strongly scented, wrinkled, gray-green leaves. In late spring, the very showy inflorescence of tubular two-lipped, creamy pink flowers opens well above the foliage. It makes a perfect addition to perennial borders, herb, cottage, coastal, city gardens ad containers. Easy to grow, seeds germinate slow and long. Starts blooming the second year, blooming in Jul.


Growing: Planting season: Grow during the dry season in a tropical climate. Indoors, with controlled temp. and humidity.

Soil: Average, sandy, or gravelly soils with good drainage.

Sowing depth: 1cm (0.4in) deep.

Spacing: 40cm (15in) apart.

Light: Full sun.

Watering: Drought tolerant, though prefers regular watering.

Fertilizing: Not needed.